Saturday, November 17, 2012

This is the real World of warcraft! More understanding and less selfish.

    World of warcraft is no different, just have to be equipped, as copper to the door, like the spacebar to play or do not play, wow there, I play wow in fact not superior, just glad of their choice.

I know a regimental commander, he gave the the Association first 10 people to buy a total of 6000RMB card, I asked him why, he said, he bought a card, they embarrassed AFK.

I know a female player, the high-end CJQ, every day she insist on floating island in Nagrand off the assembly line, she said her where leveling deliberately put the speed is very slow and very slow. (1)

I've seen a conductor the professor before 11 o'clock midnight, he said that we break it, someone asked why, he said: "You do not remember? Yesterday, this time, the children of mt to sleep."

I heard of a miner, AFK the previous week, his daily to dig eight hours mine last strolled on the guild bank: "exhausted brother, you bunch of forging engineering, later to find someone else." Then he never on the line that day more than 30,000 gold guild bank.

I've seen a Rl, o'clock noon, when she forcibly kicked a German milk, we asked her why, she said: "German milk a student to attend classes 2:30."

There is also a thief, got two knives six hours a day online work, I only know that his main hand is a friend that he had risen to 60,000.

I seen an abandoned orange bow hunters, the day he and another hunter ROLL, he points lower, but another hunter dropped, and he waited five minutes, he hit eight calls to the hunter, he orange bow never picked it up. Then he dropped all dropped.

I have seen a white did not stay by the task he has done to anger inflammation, he just said in the consolidated one, I saw more than a dozen individuals: group I.

Time of 70 fs with Scarlet, a trumpet: The boss of the equipment you pick to repair equipment, thank you. I took him to brush a night.

Server four days, the Alliance and the Horde mutual massacre of 8 times, our server, Stranglethorn perennial endlessly, but still our server, when finished killing the beast, they are each other sheep full each other before walking.

I've seen in funeral video village watching the sea of ​​white, his card a couple of days a task card, require advanced dummy, I passed through there when he was mining, I asked him why, he said he hub of engineering do After completing this task. I dismount, do a dummy to him, and then want to hear him say thank you. Not only did he say, when I left my bag more than 16 wool, 2 group of iron ore, 3 and 8 silk, a bottle of special effects Mana Potion. I keep Mana Potion as a thief, and have not been throwing.

Perhaps a coincidence, a small German said to me, I sold three cards, only you do not lie to me. I am silent, blandly said channel in the world, this small German novice, do not let him discouraged. 1 person told me, "I'm sorry, I do not know a novice, have u nothing happened to him" another person, I prefer to believe that he is under.

Someone with SL brush, said the black flag sub results out of the black heart that QS to himself, the same team DK speechless, Mage asked him, you do not want to flag it? Help DK to buy it, I'll give you sell the shop price. Knight did not answer, just say that you want me with. Finish the sentence, trumpet coincidentally, directly back team.

Hilt, I heard the the Dreadmist front hilt is greedy, but we demand. So that people Dreadmist front the greed after playing a few full stop. Get the hilt of the T did not speak. T did not choose to open the box, greedy and did not choose the decomposition and demand. He said, Heals, we re-roll time. Heals or no roll. But this time, Heals, we continue to row!

I took the trumpet, and went to the Tower of Windrunner playing necklace. Then I took them to listen to the Queen singing. I told them, this is a game that can become a classic. Wow, you want to play it.

A the little Mage passing Scarlet door when, to shoot a 80 Warlock wisdom. Then, he was invited to 4 package and 200 gold. He however took wisdom. He felt this is normal. The everyone knows Warlock burst into tears.

Some people let me write about moving things, so I wrote these unthinking things, he also said he wants to tear, and I said, why do you play World of warcraft, you have less touched by this. He said, now the world of warcraft a headache.

I told him, all things I encountered this "World of warcraft inside, there will always be bad people, there will always be a bad thing, but World of warcraft or World of warcraft able players to enter the game, most of them will not be brain damage.

World of warcraft is no different, just have to be equipped, as the copper to the door, like the spacebar to play or not to play, wow there, I play wow in fact not superior, just glad of their choice.

World of warcraft has many different mindset has always been to develop, we need to put down to observe this game, the world, bring us a lot of it is difficult to find something imperceptible. At the very least, you have the memory of the world, it is elsewhere can not be obtained.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The shadowless Slayer Kill Star aion the most difficult to get started career

       The aion8 stars have played, feeling the most fun to kill Star, Magic, and law enforcement, to play the best Magic Sword Star and guardian! (1)

      Kill Star the last playing career, and why? Because I think that kill stars weak, weak to play the other 7 star ignored kill Star. Play sword star in a Dragon Mother singled cut 3 Kill Star play with Magic Fire Dragon can slowly kill stars play dead, dead shells open rebound Kill Star play guardian, a disregard for occupational certainly is on the experience of the last! Not feeling the kind of pleasure because of watching the video several times to kill commanding, plus my home cable PING good basic 30 bit, will basically give up play to kill the star of this career.
          I lazy not have practiced general direct drag, kill asterisk is the most difficult closing, IMHO throwing money at the few willing to play to kill Star. See the full version of the Guards only sets the guardian the sword star and Magic, but it is necessary to Kill Star Edition are basically civilians letter, because I wanted to experience the top kill Star to election a full set Chikae the No., (then not yet glory sets) want to fast two months finally received the a satisfaction Chikae of kill.
       Get the number first carefully read the description of each skill again looking for a few poor the mobs test side, imprinted on the Internet to find the kill command of the stigma press on.
       First week Kanguai every day cut to one hour, then paste pondering one hour experience! A week later to start the next FB, play to kill the star aims to go out stealing seckill, but the entire two weeks did not go out played time frame inserted through a flag. Because it feels really did not find the feeling of murder and self-confidence! Not out to shame.
        Difficult to kill the star is that a lot of pre-skills engraved magic life BUFF detonated to control behind the poisoning or stun certain skills before additional damage, but also to predict the other acts routes early W mouse cut angle to stick Then various triggering techniques, various evasive defense skills, everything must be completed within 10 seconds, but can not go wrong, or will come to naught catch a small life. (2)

        Kill Star skills output in no gain BUFF effect under the basic and law enforcement flat, in addition to the surprise and fog sand can burst the 2000 other basic skills about 1000. Harsh conditions coupled with the complexity of the operation, it is not difficult to imagine too many kill stars only find pleasure in FB.
Kill Star there is a fatal flaw magic hit. In front of all over the world of the Dragon Emperor magic resistance team, the 1200 base mana hit only guarantee the Descent of the metal can stun other professions rely on luck. S intention to kill time is often not enough for the novice, 20 seconds, hit contract open skills action is too slow, seconds people tend to rely on him, the transfiguration is a good thing to add magic to life, but open on breaking stealth the upper hand, less than half to kill Star opened transfiguration basic is on Qupin the.
       So advise you if you just watched the video of kill command or often some level of God to kill the star the spike instead that kill stars is a strong career, ready to play for the kill Star friends think twice. This career is really hard to get started, said the level of God guardian of truth kill large level of God and the Magic Sword Star star in the operation really is not a level.
So before you find yourself in this occupation contempt ignorance!
Finally, for those who still insist on PVP kill the star, the strong kill the star really sincere respect!